Shiny Workshop

Shiny Workshop Powerpoint | Shiny Workshop Files (via Github)

Getting Started (Run this code in RStudio)

#Set up your computer to easily interact during "Intro to Shiny" Workshop (May 3, 2017).
#Create "ShinyWorkshop" folder in working directory AND install missing R packages needed.
#Also opens HTML page to allow you to follow along w/ code walkthrough during workshop.

#Create new folder "ShinyWorkshop" to put files into:
  mainDir <- getwd()
  subDir <- 'ShinyWorkshop'
  dir.create(file.path(mainDir, subDir))

#Download zipped files to subdirectory "ShinyWorkshop":
  ## The files are currently saved as a .zip file on GitHub, user: theforestecologist
  u1 <- ""
  download.file(u1, file.path(subDir, basename(u1)))  

#Change Working directory to newly created Workshop subdirectory:
  setwd(file.path(mainDir, subDir))

#Unzip files:

#Download/install necessary packages and open Read-along document